AVAP059 2022 total time 68:00 min
Titel: This Universe 19:27 min. - Song of Imortal Love 11:05 min. - Akaal I 12:12 min. -Teyatha Om Bekanze 8:01 min. - Akaal II 6:16 min. - Ma Ya Hai www.mayahai.org 10:15 min.
A profound combination of meditative music, devotional mantras and songs of spiritual inspiration, set in a quiet and peaceful atmosphere. These sacred chants open up to the higher dimensions of the soul, supporting us on our inner journey of healing and transformation. „AGWARU“ conveys a heartfelt message of unity, strength, hope and love. Recommended for healing rituals, relaxation and meditation.
With the magical voices of: Wivvica Matern, Maria Maltseva, Katie Okwuazu, Lex van Someren, Frank Steiner and Timon Schwegler.
"The CD "AGWARU" is marvelous! It lets me dive into inner worlds, opens and warms my heart, makes me smile, lets me float on the dense carpet of sound, listen to the wonderful voices and feel at home in the soundscape and the vocals, feeling at home, at ease and relaxed."
"AGWARU" is fulfillment for me, like an initiation, and the deep confidence that humanity is coming into unity. The path with this music is for me a path of initiation."
"I am so deeply touched, THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU.............This gift is the very greatest of all that Lex has given us has given us. I know that in the bottom of my heart. Actually, since I heard "Immortal Love" for the first time and couldn't stop and couldn't stop singing it, feeling it, deeper and deeper.......
It opens us up in the deepest heart ground and is so absolutely connected to the energies NOW on earth and in humanity, to the celestial energies that are with us now. I am so glad that I can connect to anytime through the CD."
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