CDs, DVDs and concert tickets from Lex van Someren and artist friends
Here you can buy all CDs and DVDs published so far by Lex van Someren and other artists who are friends of Lex.
If you order 5 CDs, you will receive a 6th free of charge (free choice).
This offer is only valid for the CDs of Lex van Someren. Excluded from this offer are the CDs "The Mystic Clown" and special offers.
Just indicate the CD title under "Your remarks" during the ordering process or send a short mail to music@someren.de stating the name of the CD.
For deliveries within Germany: shipping costs 3,50 €.
For deliveries outside of Germany: Flat rate for shipping and handling 6,00 €
Enjoy your shopping Your Lex van Someren
This offer is only valid for the CDs of Lex van Someren. Excluded from this offer are the CDs "The Mystic Clown" and special offers.
Just indicate the CD title under "Your remarks" during the ordering process or send a short mail to music@someren.de stating the name of the CD.
For deliveries within Germany: shipping costs 3,50 €.
For deliveries outside of Germany: Flat rate for shipping and handling 6,00 €
Enjoy your shopping Your Lex van Someren