
CDs, DVDs and concert tickets from Lex van Someren and artist friends​  

Here you can buy all CDs and DVDs published so far by Lex van Someren and other artists who are friends of Lex.

If you order 5 CDs, you will receive a 6th free of charge (free choice).
This offer is only valid for the CDs of Lex van Someren. Excluded from this offer are the CDs "The Mystic Clown" and special offers.
Just indicate the CD title under "Your remarks" during the ordering process or send a short mail to music@someren.de stating the name of the CD.

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Enjoy your shopping Your Lex van Someren

Our advice


AVAP062    2024       61:25 min.

25,00 EUR

AVAP062    2024       61:25 min.
EYOZO MP3 Download Album

17,99 EUR

AVAP061     2023       66:40  min.

Titel: 1. Guru Ram Das - Ra Ma Da Sa  11:21 min.  /  2. Dharti Hai  8:18 min.  /  3. Chattra Chakkra Varti   8:13 min.  /   4. Halleluja II   7:01 min.  /   5. Adi Shakti - Bhakti Mantra  8:35 min.  /   6. Ra Ma Da Sa II  9:58 min.  /   7. Om Hari Om   7:42 min.  /   8. Sat Narayan   5:00 min.

A light-hearted CD with excellent mantra compositions. Pure relaxation and nourishment for the soul! This music is a declaration of love to the divine in lightness. It promises us the lightness in all the turmoil in the world and this is beautifully expressed through Lex van Someren's voice and also that of Maria Maltseva and Katie Okwuazu. The musical sound quality and arrangements by the brilliant music producer Frank Steiner embed the songs in a dreamlike sound space.

25,00 EUR

AVAP059    2022       total time 68:00 min

Titel: This Universe 19:27 min. - Song of Imortal Love 11:05 min. - Akaal I 12:12 min. -Teyatha Om Bekanze 8:01 min. - Akaal II 6:16 min. - Ma Ya Hai www.mayahai.org 10:15 min.

A profound combination of meditative music, devotional mantras and songs of spiritual inspiration, set in a quiet and peaceful atmosphere. These sacred chants open up to the higher dimensions of the soul, supporting us on our inner journey of healing and transformation. „AGWARU“ conveys a heartfelt message of unity, strength, hope and love. Recommended for healing rituals, relaxation and meditation.

With the magical voices of: Wivvica Matern, Maria Maltseva, Katie Okwuazu, Lex van Someren, Frank Steiner and Timon Schwegler.

25,00 EUR
Double-CD "United We Stand" - Lex van Someren & Friends
AVAP056    2020       total time CD1: 44:11 min  CD2: 44:02 min
25,00 EUR

Titel: 1. Krishna’s Song  8:08 min. / 2. Song of the Universal Light  9:07 min. / 3. Dance of the Sun  7:04 min. / 4. Return of the Archangels  5:27 min. / 5. Song of the Child King  9:09 min. / 6. The Lord’s Prayer  7:06 min. / 7. Allowing  9:56 min.

Music of the spheres!
This album is a prayer for all humanity to know peace within. The heart wants to be free, and prayer is a gateway. By "prayer" is meant: the praise to true life, to the divine power and to the power of love in us and in all living natural beings. This partly orchestral music and singing (of Lex van Someren, Wivvica Matern, Maria Maltseva) is an ode to the sovereign power within us to guard and protect natural life and loving human interaction and to act energetically accordingly.
The first 5 songs are all compositions by Patrick Bernard (Canada) and the 6th song "The Lords Prayer" is by Singh Kaur (USA). They released this music on CDs in the early 90s. These were musical revelations for me at that time, which deeply influenced me as a musician and composer. Suddenly I realized and remembered how music can be used to open up very high dimensions of consciousness. These two brilliant artists were a seminal inspiration for me. It took a maturing process of about 30 years before I felt able to sing and produce these musical treasures in my own way. The support of my con-genial music producer, Frank Steiner, was indispensable. It is important to me to bring out these songs on this CD, because I want to present them to a wider audience in these times of the great awakening and because they may not fall into oblivion.
The last song "Allowing" is a composition by Alexia Chellun (GB). A few months ago I heard this beautiful song for the first time and it was immediately clear to me that I would like to sing it.
From the bottom of my heart I thank these three musicians for their touching songs and their inspiration!

A listener writes:
"The CD "Prayer" opens the space of love completely and lifts into full self-empowerment. My breath stops on its own. It is as if every cell has its own heartbeat, in sync with my heart. I like to keep listening to it and singing it."

25,00 EUR